Accepting All Applications for 2024-2025 Enrollment for PRE-K 3 and 4
Welcome to IDEAL's Pre-K Program. You have just taken the first step towards enrolling your child in our program. The Pre-K Program is available free of charge to DC residents. Below you will find all steps necessary to enroll in the Pre-K program for the 2024-2025 School year.
We have room for your child! Join our special Pre-K program offered under a special OSSE grant. The school-day program is free to DC residents.
We offer: - Same program as DCPS and Charter Schools - Approved curriculum, screening, and on-going assessment - Teaching utilizing "studies". - Before and after care, and Spring breaks services. - Fun Summer Camp Programs. DOCUMENTS NEEDED FOR PRE-K ENROLLMENT (SY 2023-2024) 1. Birth Certificate